Recipe labels

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Julie and Julia

This spring I read Julie and Julia, based on this blog.  The book was just okay, but it is being made into this movie and looks pretty good.  Peut-etre j'irai a l'ecole de Cordon Bleu un jour??


  1. so the book was just ok? huh, i am wanting to read it. the movie looks really cute. i am excited to look over your cooking blog. i am trying to cook more, so i may be stealing a recipe or two. hope that things are going well for you guys!! have you already moved a la france?

  2. You might like the book more- I wouldn't buy it though... definitely a renter.
    We leave in about a month... working to get ready! We have our appointment at the French consulate in Atlanta next week to get our visas.
