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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Don't apologize!

I'm currently reading Julia Child's My Life In France... came across this quote and particularly liked it:

"I don't believe in twisting yourself into knots of excuses and explanations over the food you make.  When ones' hostess starts in with self-depreciations such as "Oh, I don't know how to cook...," or "Poor little me...," or "This may taste awful...," it is so dreadful to have to reassure her that everything is delicious and fine, whether it is or not.  Besides, such admissions only draw attentions to one's shortcomings (or self-perceived short-comings), and make the other person think, "Yes, you're right, this really is an awful meal!"  Maybe the cat has fallen into the stew, or the lettuce has frozen, or the cake has collapsed-- eh bien, tant pis!"

So there you have it- don't apologize for your cooking!  

1 comment:

  1. i really liked that. i am an apologizer if it is not ready on time, or doesn't look like it does in the book. i needed to hear that. let the food speak for itself, good or bad!
